Directors & Advisors

Vintage Energy is supported by a highly experienced board of directors and advisors with many decades of leadership, management, operational and technical background in the oil and gas industry and Australian equity markets. This includes broad experience in energising and inspiring employees and organisations to achieve success in both difficult and buoyant commodity price periods.

The team has strong relationships with Government and Government Agencies, connections with existing explorers and operators, in addition to a deep knowledge of Australian petroleum basins. As a result, Vintage Energy has very extensive networks within the Australian and International petroleum industry, as well as the financial community.


Reg Nelson

Reg Nelson has a long and distinguished career in the Australian petroleum industry and is widely respected within commercial and government circles, for his successful and innovative leadership.

As Managing Director of Beach Energy Ltd, until retiring from the position in 2015, he led the company to a position as one of Australia’s top mid-tier oil and gas companies. He was formerly Director of Mineral Development for the State of South Australia, a Director of the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) for eight years and was APPEA Chairman from 2004 to 2006. He has been a director of many ASX listed companies.

Neil Gibbins

Neil Gibbins has over 35 years of technical and leadership experience in the petroleum industry. He has been involved in many successful exploration, development and corporate acquisition projects.

He is a well respected geophysicist with experience over a wide variety of regions in Australia and internationally. Before joining Vintage Energy in 2017, he spent 19 years at Beach Energy, commencing in 1997. Initially in the role of Chief Geophysicist, he was appointed as Exploration Manager in 2005, Chief Operating Officer in 2012 and acting CEO in 2015, leading Beach during its merger with Drillsearch Energy in 2016. Prior to his 19 years at Beach, he was employed by Esso Australia and Santos Limited, initially as a geophysicist and later in supervisory roles. He is a member of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia and the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Nick Smart

Nick Smart has over 40 years of corporate experience, including technology start-up companies. He has participated in capital raisings for numerous private and listed natural resource companies.

This experience includes commercialisation of the Synroc process for safe storage of high level nuclear waste, controlled temperature and atmosphere transport systems and the beneficiation of low rank coals.

He has been a full associate member of the Sydney Futures Exchange, a senior adviser with a national share broking firm, and has had significant International and local General Management experience. Nick has been on publicly listed company boards and has been an Alternate Director for both Maximus Resources Limited and Flinders Mines Ltd.

Ian Howarth

Ian Howarth created Collins Street Media, one of Australia’s leading resources sector consultancies. Prior to that he was the Resources Editor of the Australian Financial Review for 18 years.

Ian also spent several years as a mining and oil analyst with Melbourne stock broking firm May and Mellor and was senior resources writer at The Australian.

Major petroleum clients with Collins Street Media have included, the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA), AWE Ltd, Karoon Gas, Beach Energy Ltd and FAR Ltd, Ambassador Oil and Gas Ltd and Shell Australia. Ian Howarth’s expertise lies in marketing and assisting in capital raising. Ian has completed the Securities Institute of Australia Certificate in Financial Markets.


Simon Gray

Simon Gray has over 35 years' experience as a Chartered Accountant and 20 years as a Partner with Grant Thornton. In the last 5 years he was responsible for the Grant Thornton Mining and Energy group. Simon retired from active practice in July 2015. His key expertise lies in Audit and Risk, Valuations, Due Diligence and Australian Stock Exchange Listings. His professional qualifications and memberships include B.Ec (Com) Adelaide.

Vintage Energy

Vintage Energy has been established to acquire, explore and develop energy assets within Australia that will provide gas to the eastern states.

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